Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Malcolm Gladwell on Ketchup

Found this old, but interesting New Yorker article on the history of  ketchup and mustard by Malcolm Gladwell. In the "The Ketchup Conundrum", Gladwell asks why ketchup has remained the same while mustard and other condiments have evolved with new flavors and varieties. Enjoy.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Under construction

I am launching a new website which will act as a hub for my research into the fascinating legend of the "Ketchup Man." There are thousands of pages and hundreds of hours of  historical record, articles, images, interviews, video footage and more contained in my personal Ketchup File. Please bear with me as I transcribe, upload and format it all for web distribution. I will try to post new content as often as possible. Please check back soon.